The modules listed below are dated May 24, 2024, in your Resource Centre JZUPDATE RC update control.
Remember that Jazzit Fundamentals updates are cumulative. Updating to this release will include all features and functionality from prior releases, together with any corrections made to the templates.
Caseware Working Papers 2023 is required for this Resource Centre update.
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BS2 -9 Column Balance Sheet Module
Resolved issue with the double-click option to edit Shareholders' Equity section heading.
CL -Client Enclosure Letter
Added checkbox option in the "Items requiring a signature" section for "Letter of acknowledgement".
Corrected an issue that was causing incorrect totals in the GST Instalments Required section.
CP -Financial Statements Home Menu
Removed the option to 2x click to modify settings in Column Setup as this risked incorrect balances being applied to the prior year column of the Balance Sheet if totals are not disabled. Settings are still modifiable if totals are disabled first.
JZEL -Engagement Letter
While Group Audit is enabled, the "Our Responsibilities" paragraph has been corrected to toggle between "entity" and "group".
The name of the entity now displays correctly when services are provided for multiple periods and standard is set to CSRS 4200.
Engagement start date will now appear in the Reporting Options menu when the engagement is not set to Compilation.
Statement of Cash Flows is now referenced correctly in the text of the letter when the engagement is set to Review and "both periods" is selected.
Statement of Retained Earnings is now referenced correctly in the text of the letter when the engagement is set to Compilation and it is not combined with the Income Statement.
Corrected issues that were causing the text of the letter to use incorrect statement orders and phrasing when set to some atypical PSAS presentations.
JZRL -Management Representations Letter
Corrected alignment of signature #5 in Acknowledgement signature area.
RP -Engagement Report
Corrected content of Qualified Opinion section when Entity Type set to PSAS for Audits and the Statements of Changes in Net Financial Assets and Remeasurement Gains and Losses are disabled.
CLICK HERE to view the release notes for full list of new features and functionality
Jazzit Fundamental updates are cumulative. Remember that updating to this release will include all features and functionality from prior releases, together with any corrections made to the templates.