The modules listed below are dated October 15, 2021 in your Resource Centre module JZUPDATE RC update control.

Remember that Jazzit Fundamentals updates are cumulative. Updating to this release will include all revisions made to the templates.

You must have CaseWare Working papers 2020 or newer installed if you wish to update from the Resource Centre update control in KLIB and FRMLIB.

We recommend Administrators revise the CaseWare year end date for their Resource Center (KLIB/FRMLIB) and Master files (GENMST/FULMST, etc.).

Simply open these files using CaseWare and under Engagement Properties, change the year end to December 31, 2021.

Jazzit Revising Year End Date

Need help updating?

Click the video below for instructions on how to update your Jazzit Template.

BS - Client Enclosure Letter, BS2 - 9-Column Balance Sheet, BS3 - Balance Sheet With Opening Balances


IS - Income Statement


IS2 - 9-Column Income Statement


RP - Engagement Report


JZEL - Engagement Letter


JZRL - Management Representations Letter


CA - CB - PPE Working Papers, IA - Intangible Assets Working Paper


TX - Income Taxes


YC - Year End Checklist


JZTOOLS - Jazzit Toolbox


KP9COL - Generic 9 Column Note


View the release notes for full list of new features and functionality
Jazzit Fundamental updates are cumulative.
Remember that updating to this release will include all features and functionality from prior releases, together with any corrections made to the templates.