Jazzit has released an update for Jazzit Fundamentals on October 29, 2013. Administrators please click on the link for the log of revisions: http://www.accountants-templates.com/members/content/download/Arialup/Date.pdf
The following updates are included in the October 29, 2013 Jazzit Fundamentals update:
Accounts Payable Control & Accounts Payable Confirmation: These working papers now support 51 company entries. You are able to input company details, dates, and amounts to be paid in the Accounts Payable Control working paper. You are then able to choose between these entries in the Accounts Payable Confirmation via a drop down menu.
Accounts Receivable Control: These working papers now support 51 companies, increased from 21.
Property, Plant, and Equipment Schedule & Property, Plant, and Equipment Note: These two modules now have properly corresponding amortization rates.
1-9 column Income Statement Schedule & 1-3 year statements: When choosing forecasting in the column field 'Type', these column headers now display the appropriate year depending on how many years into the future is selected in the 'Year' field.
All statements: Manual lines have been updated to print regardless of if they have information inputted.