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Jazzit Fundamentals – February 23, 2024 update

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The modules listed below are dated February 23, 2024, in your Resource Centre JZUPDATE RC update control.

Remember that Jazzit Fundamentals updates are cumulative. Updating to this release will include all features and functionality from prior releases, together with any corrections made to the templates.

Caseware Working Papers 2023 is required for this Resource Centre update.


Need help updating?

Click the video below for instructions on how to update your Jazzit Templates.

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BS - Balance Sheet

  • Corrected an issue causing the equity section to not change text content for negative values.


BS2 - 9 Column Balance Sheet With Budget

  • Corrected an issue that was causing the rounding diagnostic to not include opening equity when using a combined statement of Accumulated Surplus and Statement of Operations under PSAS.


BS3 - Balance Sheet With Opening Balances

  • Corrected an issue causing the equity section to not change text content for negative values.


CL - Client Enclosure Letter

  • Removed one sentence from the RDTOH section, as it may not be helpful for most users.


IS - Income Statement

  • Corrected an issue that was causing the Fees section to print a total while having a zero balance.
  • Resolved issue preventing heading from switching between "Income" and "Loss" appropriately.


IS2 - 9 Column Income Statement

  • Corrected an issue that caused a change in the description from Net Assets to Fund Balances in the home menu to not display text consistently throughout the statements.
  • Corrected an issue that was causing external schedules 21 and up to link a negative value in Fees and Other Income.
  • Corrected an issue that was causing the Fees section to print a total while having a zero balance.


JZEL - Engagement Letter

  • Corrected an issue causing the text for the period (period/year/month) in the body of the letter to not match the selection in the home menu.
  • If the period of the audit report is less than one year, that period will now be stated in both the first and second paragraph of the report in Appendix A.


JZSR - T4 Reconciliation

  • Revised calculation for the "Total Deduction 2" column.


JZUPDATE - RZ Update Control

  • Restored link to our Update Guide video at the top of the update steps section, and added a button to open our What's New document at the bottom of the update steps.


KN - Generic & 1 Column Notes

  • Resolved issue causing "Shares classified as liabilities" to be deleted when updated from Resource Centre.


KT - Tax Notes

  • Improved alignment of accounts receivable popup options in the Basis of accounting note.
  • Removed an erroneous line of text from the Capital Tax Losses Carried Forward note.


RP - Engagement Report

  • If the period of the audit report is less than one year, that period will now be stated in both the first and second paragraph of the report.


SC1 - Income Statement Schedules With %

  • Improved consistency of percentage, heading and input text paragraph presentation across schedules 1, 2, 11, 12 and 14.


SC2 - Generic 9 Column Schedules

  • Improved consistency of currency symbols used in Section 1 of schedule 14.


SC3 - Partners' Taxable Income Schedules

  • Resolved issue causing Total Shareholder Allocation to not print.
  • Corrected the subtotal on the Add back section to print correctly when not zero.


SC6 - 9 Column Income Statement Schedules

  • Corrected an issue that was causing rounding to not function correctly in some columns of schedules 12 and 13.


TC - Table of Contents

  • Corrected an issue that caused a change in the description from Net Assets to Fund Balances in the home menu to not display text consistently throughout the statements.


YC - Year End Checklist

  • Requested items table has been rebuilt to preserve appropriate formatting on reload. After being reloaded once, it will appropriately retain input and formatting.
  • Final section of the letter can now be closed without turning off the signature section. 



to view the release notes for full list of new features and functionality
Jazzit Fundamental updates are cumulative.
Remember that updating to this release will include all features and functionality from prior releases, together with any corrections made to the templates.